From Sierra de Gredos to your palate
... and suddenly, I fall in love with an apple, with the White Pippin of Canada, the tastiest and most particular among them. And also of its acid juice with that sweet and unrepeatable after taste.
When one day the Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) finds my pantry, captivating me with its aroma, I decide to bottle it in a glass bottle, pampering its essence, showing how La Mother lives inside the liquid. That Mother who knows how to take care of us, a natural source of prebiotics and digestive enzymes.
From the green apple orchards of Sierra de Gredos, I invite you to discover the living elixir that lives in each bottle, not only because of its thousands applications but also because it tastes delicious!

Frequent Asked Questions
Why ACV?
ACV, uno de los regalos de la naturaleza procedente de la humilde manzana. Un legado que proviene de hace siglos, muy apreciado por sus beneficios relacionados con la salud digestiva. El ACV Reineta Blanca con “La Madre” contiene bacterias probióticas; el ácido acético con un ph del 5% complementa una dieta alcalina. Mucho brócoli, mucho ejercicio y tu dosis diaria de ACV como parte de un aderezo, smoothie o para los puristas, simplemente diluido en agua.
What the Mother is?
We do not apply any heat treatment to our ACV, leaving La Madre intact. La Madre is the strain of proteins and bacteria that are obtained when leaving the ACV raw and unpasteurized. Those lovely floating threads make our ACV very special and we recommend that you keep them in your daily dose in the way you like the most.
Which one are the benefits of ACV?
ACV has multiple health benefits, including antibiotic and antioxidant effects. In addition, there is evidence to suggest that it might offer benefits such as aiding weight loss, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels, and improving diabetes symptoms, among others.
Can I take ACV every day?
Consumir ACV cada día va a suponer una mejora en tu salud pero, ¿cuánto debes consumir? Recomendamos una o dos cucharadas al día, mezcladas con agua. Y no más de eso ya que sobrepasarse puede provocar naúseas.
When I take ACV to lose weight?
Take ACV first thing in the morning or just before each meal. Before meals, the vinegar drink supports the feeling of fullness, which will help you lose that extra 1Kg weight.
How does ACV depure your body?
The acetic acid in ACV can also help eliminate toxins from your body. The potassium content in ACV helps to break down mucous membranes in the body, cleaning the lymph nodes.
How long does ACV last?
ACV does not expire due to its high acidity. Besides, you can try to replace the salt in your meals with a splash of vinegar, you will see how it also enhances the flavors and thus prevents fluid retention.
What kind of processes are involved in the apple cider vinegar production?
Three processes are involved in the production of apple cider vinegar: PHASE 1. During alcoholic fermentation, naturally generated yeasts use the sugar from apple juice to produce ethanol, in an anaerobic process that generates cider. PHASE 2. Vinegar production involves an additional aerobic fermentation process in which bacteria convert the ethanol of cider into acetic acid. PHASE 3. Minerals, vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, enzymes and other organic compounds in different concentrations, even though they are mainly responsible for the flavor and aroma, magically contribute to the nutritional and health benefits that this supplement offers.
FASE 1. Durante la fermentación alcohólica las levaduras generadas naturalmente utilizan el azúcar del jugo de las manzanas para producir etanol, en un proceso anaeróbico que genera la sidra.
FASE 2. La producción de vinagre involucra un proceso adicional de fermentación aeróbica en donde bacterias convierten el etanol de la sidra en ácido acético.
FASE 3. Los minerales, las vitaminas, la fibra, los antioxidantes, las enzimas y otros compuestos orgánicos en diferentes concentraciones, aun cuando son encargados principalmente del sabor y el aroma, contribuyen mágicamente en los beneficios nutritivos y en la salud que ofrece éste suplemento.